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Dementia screening for urban Aboriginal Australians: a pilot study
Telemedicine clinics and mobile health screening services for Indigenous children
CommDoc app
Connecting Health Services with the future: Modernising medicare by providing rebates for online consultations – A discussion paper from the Australian Government
iPad Apps for Complex Communication Support Needs: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities
Support self management:assistive technology to support people with chronic disease
Virtual communities in health care: roles, requirements and restrictions
Google Glass Apps for People with Disability Trialed by Telstra
Google Glass Apps for People with Disability Trialed by Telstra
Online hub developed to assist people with hearing loss
A pilot study of telepractice delivery for teaching listening and spoken language to children with hearing loss
Telemedicine clinics and mobile health screening services for Indigenous children
Learnings from Scotland’s Innovation Programs - Janette Hughes
An Evaluation of House of Memories: Dementia Training Programme
Webinar: User Centered and Experiential Approaches to Designing Smart Assistive Technology
Webinar: Do Change, European Smart Assistive Technology Project Disrupting and empowering individuals
School-based Telerehabilitation In Occupational Therapy: Using Telerehabilitation Technologies to Promote Improvements in Student Performance
Webinar: Smart Assistive Technology Driving Changes in Management of Continence
Uninvited Guests
Learnings from Scotland’s Innovation Programs - Janette Hughes
Smart rehabilitation for the 21st century: The Tampa Smart Home for veterans with traumatic brain injury
Assisted Living Technology in social care: workforce development implications
Traditional Telehealth Model is ‘Dead’ as Wearables Take Over: CCSATC Expert Kevin Doughty
How Playing 3D Video Games Could Help Boost Memory
Learnings from Scotland’s Innovation Programs - Janette Hughes
Webinar: Do CHANGE, European Smart Assistive Technology Project Disrupting and Empowering Individuals
An Evaluation of House of Memories: Dementia Training Programme
iPad Apps for Complex Communication Support Needs: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Webinar: Smart Assistive Technology Driving Changes in Management of Continence
Uninvited Guests
Smart rehabilitation for the 21st century: The Tampa Smart Home for veterans with traumatic brain injury
Temporo-spacial prompting for persons with cognitive impairment using smart wrist-worn interface
Implementing Smart Assistive Technologies: Organisational Perspectives
Integrating Assistive technology into an outcome-driven model of service delivery
Technology to Care – A workforce learning strategy to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in Social Care
Re-conceptualizing disability and assistive technology: Australian consumers driving policy change
Assisted Living technology in social care: workforce development implications
Webinar: Smart Assistive Technology Driving Changes in Management of Continence
Implementing Smart Assistive Technologies: Organisational Perspectives
Integrating Assistive technology into an outcome-driven model of service delivery
Re-conceptualizing disability and assistive technology: Australian consumers driving policy change
Virtual communities in health care: roles, requirements and restrictions
How Playing 3D Video Games Could Help Boost Memory
Webinar: User Centered and Experiential Approaches to Designing Smart Assistive Technology
Webinar: Do Change, European Smart Assistive Technology Project Disrupting and empowering individuals
Designing The Consumer-Centered Telehealth & eVisit Experience
A review of the empirical studies on the effectiveness of Assistive Technology in the care of people with dementia
A pilot study of telepractice delivery for teaching listening and spoken language to children with hearing loss
School-based Telerehabilitation In Occupational Therapy: Using Telerehabilitation Technologies to Promote Improvements in Student Performance
Dementia screening for urban Aboriginal Australians: a pilot study
Telemedicine clinics and mobile health screening services for Indigenous children
Connecting Health Services with the future: Modernising medicare by providing rebates for online consultations – A discussion paper from the Australian Government
iPad Apps for Complex Communication Support Needs: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Traditional Telehealth Model is ‘Dead’ as Wearables Take Over: CCSATC Expert Kevin Doughty
Webinar: Smart Assistive Technology Driving Changes in Management of Continence
How Playing 3D Video Games Could Help Boost Memory
Google Glass Apps for People with Disability Trialed by Telstra
Webinar: Smart Assistive Technology Driving Changes in Management of Continence
Uninvited Guests
Learnings from Scotland’s Innovation Programs - Janette Hughes
Youngcare’s Share House sets new standard for disability housing
Smart rehabilitation for the 21st century: The Tampa Smart Home for veterans with traumatic brain injury
How Playing 3D Video Games Could Help Boost Memory
Live Forum: Virtual Reality Session with leading developers and Service Providers
Video capture virtual reality as a flexible and effective rehabilitation tool
Stroke Recovery with Kinect
Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial of a web-based multi-modal training program for children and adolescents with an Acquired Brain Injury
Why Website Accessibility Makes Business Sense
An Evaluation of House of Memories: Dementia Training Programme
Assisted Living Technology in social care: workforce development implications
Designing The Consumer-Centered Telehealth & eVisit Experience
Technology to Care – A workforce learning strategy to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in Social Care
New Webinar Available: Harnessing Technology to Improve How Children with Cerebral Palsy Use Their Hands
Driving Mobility & Independence through the use of Smart Assistive Technology
How Playing 3D Video Games Could Help Boost Memory
Live Forum: Virtual Reality Session with leading developers and Service Providers
Online hub developed to assist people with hearing loss
Accelerating our Smart Transport Future
New Webinar Available: SAL - A Nutrition-Related Technological Resource for Older Adults
Traditional Telehealth Model is ‘Dead’ as Wearables Take Over: CCSATC Expert Kevin Doughty
Webinar: Smart Assistive Technology Driving Changes in Management of Continence
How Playing 3D Video Games Could Help Boost Memory
The Smart House for Older Persons and Persons With Physical Disabilities: Structure, Technology Arrangements, and Perspectives
Disability Care and Support: Medical and assistive technologies to enable Australians to remain in their homes
Smart home technologies for health and social care support (review)
Virtual humans for connected health